
Case Study: Disaster Recovery Solution Implementation for TruckPro by Blue Sentry Cloud

Lee Hylton / May 2, 2024


TruckPro, a leading manufacturer of high-tech microchips, required a robust disaster recovery solution to ensure business continuity in the event of a regional outage. To meet this need, TruckPro enlisted Blue Sentry Cloud, an AWS Premier Partner, to design and implement a disaster recovery strategy in the AWS cloud environment.



The primary goals of the disaster recovery project included:

  • Ensuring minimal downtime and data loss in case of a disaster.
  • Implementing a cost-effective solution that would not require running a full duplicate of the production environment continuously.
  • Providing a solution that could be easily managed and scaled as needed.


Solution Design

Blue Sentry Cloud proposed a “pilot light” approach, which involves keeping a minimal version of the environment running in a different AWS region. This approach allows for rapid scaling up to a full environment if a disaster occurs.

  1. Pilot Light Environment: A small-scale replica of TruckPro’s production environment was set up in an alternate AWS region. This setup included critical core elements, such as data storage and key application servers, which could quickly be scaled up to handle production loads.
  2. Data Replication: Real-time data replication was configured between the primary and pilot light environments to ensure that the backup would be as up-to-date as possible without impacting the performance of the production systems.
  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): All infrastructure provisioning and configuration were handled using Terraform. This approach not only facilitated consistency and speed in setting up and maintaining environments but also enabled version control and collaboration across TruckPro’s IT teams.


Implementation Process

Blue Sentry Cloud followed a structured approach to implement the disaster recovery solution:

  1. Infrastructure Setup: Leveraging Terraform, Blue Sentry Cloud scripted the entire infrastructure setup for both the production and pilot light environments. This setup included virtual private clouds (VPCs), subnets, EC2 instances, RDS databases, and necessary IAM roles.
  2. Automated Data Synchronization: Automated scripts were developed to handle the synchronization of data between the two regions. These scripts ensured that any changes in the production environment were immediately replicated in the pilot light environment.
  3. Disaster Recovery Drills: Regular disaster recovery drills were conducted to ensure that the pilot light environment could be scaled up to a full production environment smoothly and quickly. These drills were crucial in verifying the effectiveness of the disaster recovery plan and the ability of the team to execute it under pressure.



The disaster recovery solution implemented by Blue Sentry Cloud met all of TruckPro’s objectives effectively:

  • Reduced Risk of Downtime: In the event of a regional disruption, TruckPro can now activate the pilot light environment to become fully operational in a significantly reduced timeframe, thereby minimizing operational downtime.
  • Cost Efficiency: The pilot light approach provided TruckPro with a cost-effective disaster recovery solution, as it eliminated the need for a full-scale duplicate environment to be continuously operational.
  • Ease of Management: With Terraform, the entire environment, both in production and disaster recovery, can be managed efficiently and reliably, reducing manual errors and increasing deployment speeds.



The disaster recovery solution implemented by Blue Sentry Cloud has provided TruckPro with a robust and reliable means to ensure business continuity. This strategic initiative not only protects TruckPro from potential data loss and service interruptions but also reinforces their reputation as a resilient and technologically advanced company. Blue Sentry Cloud’ expertise in AWS solutions and infrastructure as code has once again proven essential in supporting TruckPro’s operational and strategic needs.