
Case Study: Enhancing Pediatric Associates’ Website Performance and Cost Efficiency with Blue Sentry Cloud and AWS

Lee Hylton / May 3, 2024


Pediatric Associates, a leading healthcare provider focused on pediatric care, required improvements in the performance, reliability, and cost-efficiency of their main website. To achieve these goals, Pediatric Associates partnered with Blue Sentry Cloud (BSC), leveraging their expertise in cloud-based solutions to optimize their website infrastructure.



The key objectives for this initiative were:

  • Increase the reliability and performance of the Pediatric Associates’ website.
  • Reduce infrastructure costs by optimizing resource utilization.
  • Enhance scalability to handle peak traffic times effectively.


Solution Design

BSC engineered a modern cloud architecture utilizing AWS services, primarily focusing on containerization and serverless solutions:

  1. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS): BSC deployed the website’s backend services on EKS to manage Docker containers effectively. This service allowed for greater scalability and simplified the management of the application’s lifecycle.
  2. Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR): Utilized for storing and managing Docker container images securely. ECR integrated seamlessly with EKS, providing a reliable and efficient way to deploy and scale the website’s backend services.
  3. Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS): Implemented to manage the website’s databases. RDS was chosen for its ability to provide scalable database resources with high availability and durability, ensuring data consistency and robustness.


Implementation Process

The implementation process involved several critical steps:

  1. Architecture Design and Planning: BSC’s engineers conducted a thorough analysis of the existing website infrastructure and designed a new architecture based on Docker, EKS, ECR, and RDS to meet the identified needs.
  2. Containerization of Applications: The website’s applications were containerized using Docker, which allowed them to be deployed consistently and reliably on EKS. This step was crucial for ensuring that the environment was both scalable and isolated from other processes.
  3. Deployment and Integration: The Docker containers were stored in ECR and deployed through EKS. Integration with RDS was configured to ensure that the application could communicate efficiently with the database layer.
  4. Performance Optimization and Cost Management: After deployment, BSC focused on optimizing the performance of the infrastructure to handle increased traffic loads smoothly. They also implemented scaling policies to dynamically adjust resources, significantly reducing costs.
  5. Monitoring and Continuous Improvement: Continuous monitoring tools were set up to track the performance of the website. BSC’s engineers used this data to make ongoing adjustments, further improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.



The solution implemented by Blue Sentry Cloud led to substantial improvements for Pediatric Associates:

  • Increased Reliability and Performance: The new containerized architecture resulted in higher uptime and improved performance, ensuring a reliable user experience even during peak traffic periods.
  • Cost Reduction: By optimizing resource utilization and implementing auto-scaling capabilities, BSC successfully reduced infrastructure costs by 30%. This reduction was achieved by minimizing the need for over-provisioning and using pay-as-you-go pricing models.
  • Enhanced Scalability: The use of EKS and Docker containers allowed for quick scaling of resources to meet varying traffic demands without manual intervention, ensuring that the website could effectively handle sudden increases in users.



The partnership with Blue Sentry Cloud enabled Pediatric Associates to transform their website infrastructure into a more reliable, performant, and cost-effective environment. By leveraging AWS services like EKS, ECR, and RDS, along with application containerization, Pediatric Associates now benefits from a state-of-the-art digital presence that efficiently meets the needs of their patients and stakeholders. This case study exemplifies how strategic cloud solutions can drive significant improvements in healthcare digital services.