
Case Study: Transforming DSI’s AWS Architecture with Blue Sentry Cloud

Lee Hylton / May 3, 2024


DSI, a company specializing in cloud-based inventory management solutions, sought to transition from a traditional data center to a modern, cloud-native AWS architecture. This move aimed to enhance scalability, operational efficiency, and agility in application deployment. Blue Sentry Cloud (BSC), renowned for its expertise in cloud transformations, was tasked with revamping DSI’s infrastructure using Terraform and setting up advanced CI/CD pipelines.



DSI aimed to achieve the following with BSC’s help:

  • Migrate from a legacy, lift-and-shift AWS setup to a robust, Terraform-managed infrastructure.
  • Adopt a cloud-native application stack to improve scalability and performance.
  • Implement comprehensive CI/CD pipelines for efficient code deployment and management.
  • Utilize AWS monitoring and tagging to manage operational expenditures effectively.


Solution Design

The solution involved several AWS services and best practices to create a sustainable, scalable cloud infrastructure:

  1. Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform was chosen to manage the AWS infrastructure programmatically. This allowed for precise, reproducible setups and streamlined management processes.
  2. Cloud-Native Technologies: The transition to a cloud-native stack included adopting services like AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) for container management and AWS Lambda for serverless computing, enhancing the agility and scalability of CloudInventory’s applications.
  3. CI/CD Pipelines: BSC designed and implemented CI/CD pipelines using AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild to automate the deployment of new application versions, reducing manual errors and deployment times.
  4. AWS CloudWatch and Tagging: To monitor application performance and manage costs effectively, BSC utilized AWS CloudWatch for monitoring and alarms, and implemented a detailed tagging strategy to attribute costs to the correct business units.


Implementation Process

The implementation was structured into several key phases:

  1. Infrastructure Redesign: BSC started by assessing the existing AWS setup and designing a new architecture using Terraform. This design included the setup of networking, compute, and storage resources in a modular fashion.
  2. Terraform Implementation: BSC engineers scripted the entire AWS environment in Terraform, ensuring that all components could be version-controlled and deployed consistently across development, staging, and production environments.
  3. Development of Cloud-Native Applications: Alongside infrastructure changes, DSI’s development teams, guided by BSC, re-architected their applications to be cloud-native, making use of AWS ECS and Lambda for more resilient and scalable applications.
  4. CI/CD Setup: BSC implemented CI/CD pipelines that integrated directly with DSI’s code repositories, automated testing frameworks, and deployment mechanisms, allowing seamless transitions from code release to production deployment.
  5. Monitoring and Cost Management: Detailed monitoring setups using AWS CloudWatch provided real-time performance data, while a comprehensive tagging strategy ensured that operational costs were clearly understood and managed according to the specific needs of different business units.



The transformation led by Blue Sentry Cloud resulted in significant benefits for DSI:

  • Enhanced Scalability and Performance: The move to a Terraform-backed, cloud-native architecture allowed DSI to dynamically scale their applications based on demand, significantly improving performance.
  • Reduced Deployment Times: With the new CI/CD pipelines, DSI was able to push updates more frequently and with fewer errors, reducing deployment times from hours to minutes.
  • Improved Cost Management: The tagging and monitoring strategies implemented allowed DSI to track and manage costs effectively, attributing expenses accurately across departments and projects.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: The overall efficiency of the IT operations improved due to automation, better scalability, and a reduction in the time required for managing infrastructure.



The partnership between DSI and Blue Sentry Cloud transformed the way DSI managed their cloud environment. By adopting a Terraform-managed, cloud-native architecture and setting up advanced CI/CD pipelines, DSI not only improved their operational capabilities but also positioned themselves for future growth and innovation in the cloud. This case study demonstrates the transformative potential of cloud technologies when coupled with expert guidance and advanced tooling.